Metallic Voices and Space Kids
Are we dealing with a Wizard of Oz, or is the answer much stranger?
“Jan 11. Invoked twice, using blood.
Jan 12. Invoked twice. A heavy windstorm.
Jan 13. Invoked twice. Windstorm continued.
Jan 14. The light system of the house failed about 9 PM. Another magician who had been staying at the house and studying with me, was carrying a candle across the kitchen when he was struck strongly on the right shoulder, and the candle knocked out of his hand. He called us, and we observed a brownish yellow light about seven feet high in the kitchen.
I banished with a magical sword, and it disappeared. His right arm was paralyzed for the rest of the night.
Jan 15. Invoked twice. At this time the Scribe developed some sort of astral vision, describing in detail an old enemy of mine of whom he had never heard, and later the guardian forms of Isis and the Archangel Michael. Later, in my room, I heard the raps again, and a buzzing, metallic voice crying “let me go free.” I felt a great pressure and tension in the house that night, which was also noticed by the other occupants. There was no other phenomena, and I admit a feeling of disappointment.
The feeling of tension and unease continued for four days. Then, on January 18, at sunset, while the Scribe and I were on the Mojave desert, the feeling of tension suddenly snapped. I turned to him and said, “it is done,” in absolute certainty that the operation was accomplished. I returned home, and found a young woman answering the requirements waiting for me. She is describable as an air of fire type with bronze red hair, fiery and subtle, determined and obstinate, sincere and perverse, with extraordinary personality, talent, and intelligence.”
Have you ever been spoken to by a mysterious ‘metallic’ voice? A voice you could never ultimately understand the source of? If so, you are not alone! As we will explore, quite a few individuals have had this sort of thing happen. The answer why is not exactly clear. The excerpt above comes from the beginning of a 1946 series of rituals performed in the Mojave Desert of Southern California — The Babalon Working. The lead magician was an American rocket scientist named John Whiteside ‘Jack’ Parsons (b. 1914) and his scribe was a struggling science fiction author from Nebraska, Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (b. 1911). Parsons was pivotal in the development of solid rocket fuel and a co-founder of Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL). Today, JPL is still around and there is a crater on the moon named after Parsons. Undoubtedly, the reader has heard of the controversial religion Hubbard later went on to create, Scientology (founded 1953), which is still thriving today. Hubbard and Parsons were fascinated with each other. Both had an interest in Magick and the work of British occultist Aleister Crowley, the founder of a new religion he called Thelema. The purpose of their Mojave rituals? Parsons was apparently attempting to find an ‘elemental mate’, explaining, “I decided upon a Magical operation designed to obtain the assistance of an elemental mate. This is a well known procedure in Magick (cf. Ch. VIII in Magick in Theory and Practice), consisting of the invocation of a spirit or elemental into tangible existence by various magical techniques.” [1] Soon after their invocations in the desert, a beautiful red-haired woman strangely showed up at Parsons’ home. The woman was Marjorie Cameron, and Parsons was convinced that he had summoned her with his Enochian magic.
“The goal was to summon or incarnate the Scarlet Woman herself with a view towards creating a “magical child.” The inspiration for this manouver was evidently Crowley's novel, Moonchild…
At the completion of the first part of the ritual, a red-headed woman—Marjorie Cameron— appeared at Parsons's home, waiting for him as he returned from the ritual in the desert. Parsons took this to be a sign that the ritual had been successful, for the Scarlet Woman is famously a red-head. They soon formed a relationship and married. The next phase of the ritual was to use IXth degree OTO sex magic rituals in order to incarnate a magical child who would be the Thelemic messiah.” [2]
— THE DARK LORD, Peter Levenda
“Moon Children are supposed to be produced when the devil or assorted demons have intercourse with human females. Apparently John Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard tried to produce a Moon Child in 1946.
According to legend, Moon Children grow into exceptionally evil adults with extraordinary powers.” [3]
Crowley himself was not amused when he caught wind of this, saying in an April 1946 letter, “Apparently Parsons or Hubbard or somebody is trying to produce a Moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.”[4] Parsons’ idea of a ‘Scarlet Woman’ or ‘Moonchild’ is strikingly similar to the Succubi / Incubi phenomenon of the Middle Ages, where human beings, often sleeping, have a sexual encounter with a demon. Except in our friend Mr. Parsons’ case, the roles were reversed. To put this in simpler terms, the Incubi demons of old times wouldn’t ask for permission to visit. In Parsons’ Mojave ritual, the humans — in this case, magicians — were the ones dialing the demon’s number.
The story of Parsons and Hubbard got messy, and the two had a falling out over Jack’s money and a love triangle between the two magicians and Parsons’ ex-girlfriend. Parsons chased Hubbard to Florida and saw that his former partner was heading out to sea with his ex to avoid repaying Parsons money he had invested. Hubbard was detained by the Coast Guard and told by the court to repay the money he had stolen from Parsons.[2] Parsons’ scientific contemporaries were not amused by his hobbies, began to grow suspicious, and the occultist eventually lost his security clearance. Parsons and Cameron stayed together until Parsons died in a mysterious home laboratory accident in 1953. For those curious about the Moonchild — Jack never had any children. Keeping all of this in mind, let’s re-focus on Parsons’ interaction with that metallic voice:
Parsons claimed, “Later, in my room, I heard the raps again, and a buzzing, metallic voice crying "let me go free." I felt a great pressure and tension in the house that night, which was also noticed by the other occupants.”
What was Parsons hearing? Was this an illusion his own mind was creating? Was someone playing tricks on him? Was it something else entirely? It is difficult to say. One thing is for sure: Jack Parsons — however strange you consider him — was a committed spiritual technician. He believed he was hearing a voice he somehow conjured. Whether or not that metallic voice was a put-on, a demon, or a figment of Parsons’ imagination (or any combination of the three) will be left up to the reader. Let’s start by exploring the possibility that Parsons wasn’t simply imagining things. The experience Parsons recorded was an encounter that fit his spiritual frame of reference. If Parsons is telling the truth about the entire experience (lets not forget, Hubbard’s arm was paralyzed for an extended amount of time), then it should also be noted the encounter left physiological damage to a person involved. The ‘rapping’ throughout the house, while strange, is not uncommon in these sorts of stories. In 1848, an entire religion was started out of Rochester, New York, after Maggie and Kate Fox demonstrated to their sister, Leah, that they were able to communicate with a rapping poltergeist. The Fox sisters founded Spiritualism, and spent their lives acting as mediums. Spiritualism swept the nation, and it was commonplace for esteemed individuals like Abraham Lincoln to attend seances!
“General Andrew Jackson (seventh President of the United States, 1829-37) reportedly paid a visit to the Bell homestead. As he neared the place, his horses suddenly halted, apparently unable to pull his wagon farther. The general got down and examined the wheels and the road and could find no reason for the horses' struggle. Suddenly a metallic voice rang out from behind some bushes, "All right, General, let the wagon move, " and the horses were able to pull it again. This sounds like our first electromagnetic case — even though no motors or electrical circuits were involved!”
“I now believe that the UFO phenomenon is primarily electromagnetic in origin and that it possesses the ability to adjust beams of electromagnetic energy to any given frequency, ranging from ultrahigh frequencies (UHF) radio signals like those of the astronauts, to very low frequencies (VLF) which can be picked up only by special equipment, to very, very low frequencies identical to the magnetic fields surrounding telephone wires or the outputs of public address systems in schools and churches .
I also believe that this same phenomenon is flexible to an unbelievable degree . It can create and manipulate matter through electromagnetic fields above and below the range of our perceptions and our own technical equipment.
The phenomenon is mostly invisible to us because it consists of energy rather than solid earthly matter. It is guided by a great intelligence and has concentrated itself in the areas of magnetic faults throughout history. It makes itself visible to us from time to time by manipulating patterns of frequency. It can take any form it desires, ranging from the shapes of airplanes to gigantic cylindrical spaceships. It can manifest itself into seemingly living entities ranging from little green men to awesome one-eyed giants. But none of these configurations is its true form.
The UFO sighting data confirm this theory, but we lack the necessary technology to prove it conclusively. [5]
As we will discuss, tables shaking, power outages, metallic voices, and other poltergeist-esque events are common themes in modern reports of UFO encounters. In Steven Spielberg’s 1977 film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the director subtly displayed the relationship behind these mysterious phenomena. He demonstrated that ‘close encounters’ and ‘haunted houses’ appear to go hand-in-hand, an idea that holds enough water to show Steven did his homework. He utilized his new friend, French Astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, as a resource, and Vallee even had a character in the film based on him! In his 1979 book, Messengers of Deception, Vallee remarks on the similarities between classic demonic encounters and UFO encounters, “An equally impressive parallel could be made between UFO occupants and the popular conception of demons, and indeed sociologists have pointed out that "the same elements are involved in diabolic contacts as in the divine encounters of increasing intimacy with what is defined as a supernatural consciousness." There are even some religious thinkers who see the sinister hand of Satan in the more bizarre UFO cases.” [6] UFO reports are littered with all sorts of strange occurrences. Electronics not functioning properly could be the byproduct of coming too close to an entity made of pure energy, along with physiological effects like extreme thirst, conjunctivitis, and skin burns. Older cultures may have utilized terms such as ‘spirit’, ‘demon’, ‘angel’, or ‘fairy’, but we must understand these are the terms of a superstitious and unscientific age. The individuals quick to label any phenomenon with these old terms quickly end up with egg on their faces, so we must study history to avoid repeating frivolous errors, emotional responses, or wishful thinking. As mentioned earlier, this phenomenon appears to be extremely flexible. While the frame of reference changes, the encounters remain similar in description.
The Swedish scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) was interested in the stories of conjured elementals and the messages they would provide people, and Swedenborg came to the conclusion the spirits themselves were put-on artists! Swedenborg was not amused by their baloney, saying, “When spirits begin to speak with a man, he must be aware that he believe nothing that they say. For nearly everything they say is fabricated by them, and they lie: for if they are permitted to narrate anything, as what heaven is and how things in the heavens are to be understood, they would tell so many lies that a man would be astonished. This they would do with solemn affirmation…wherefore men must beware and not believe them…” The late Fortean researcher John Keel (1930-2009) backed the Swedish scientists’ opinion on the trustworthiness of conjured entities. In his famous 1975 book, The Mothman Prophecies, Keel has a correspondence with a variety of characters that lead him down all sorts of fruitless paths. And yes, strangely enough, more metallic voices…
The man in the family, I’ll call Ben, had seen a UFO hovering near a chemical plant on the river. He’d heard you could signal to the objects so he flashed his car’s spotlight at it. The spotlight went out instantly and later he found that all the electrical systems in his car had burned out. His sighting marked the beginning of all kinds of weird happenings. First, his telephone went crazy. Like so many others, he had not reported his sighting to anyone yet he began to receive the beeping calls, and calls from “metallic voices,“ urging him to attend undefined meetings (he never went). A poltergeist moved into Ben’s house. Drawers opened by themselves. Objects disappeared. A heavy cabinet pushed against a window was moved by some force. (Later I tried to move this cabinet by myself and found it was too heavy.) Ben’s wife began to notice unusual people in the neighborhood. Ben received a mild scare that August as he was walking down the Main Street in Parkersburg and saw two black-garbed Oriental-looking men who grinned at him broadly as if they knew him. They appeared to be confused or drunken, he noted, and seemed to have difficulty walking. Ben knew nothing of the MIB lore, but the men so alarmed him that he crossed to the other side of the street.
He had more UFO sightings. And more freak phone calls.
“A few days later, on May 17, Jane answered the phone (she had her own phone in her room) and a strange metallic voice addressed her. “Listen carefully,” it said. “I cannot hear you.” It instructed her to go to a small public library nearby and look up a certain book on Indian history.
She did as she was instructed. On May 19 she went to the library at 10:30 A.M. The place was deserted except for the librarian, who struck Jane as being unusual. The woman was “dressed in an old-fashioned suit like something out of the 1940s, with a long skirt, broad shoulders, and flat oldlooking shoes.” (Remember, this was in 1967, long before the 1940s styles became popular again.) She had a dark complexion, with a fine bone structure, and very black eyes and hair. When Jane entered, the woman seemed to be expecting her and produced the book instantly from under her desk.
Jane sat down at a table and began to riffle through the book, pausing on page forty-two. Her caller had told her to read that page.
“You won’t believe this,” she told me, “but the print became smaller and smaller, then larger and larger. It changed into a message and I can remember every word of it.”
‘Good morning, friend,’ it began. ‘You have been selected for many reasons. One is that you are advanced in autosuggestion. Through this science we will make contact. I have messages concerning Earth and its people. The time is set. Fear not... I am a friend. For reasons best known to ourselves you must make your contacts known to one reliable person. To break this code is to break contact proof shall be given. Notes must be kept of the suggestion state. Be in peace, [signed] A Pal.’
“The print became very small again, and then the normal text reappeared.”
As soon as Jane left the library she became quite ill and vomited several times during the next two days.” [7]
Keel understood that all sorts of possibilities could be at play here. Hoaxers, opportunists, and plain crazy people were abundant in the 1960s and remain plentiful today. The ultraterrestrial aspect was certainly explored, but always remained too difficult to prove definitively. Keel kept his cards close and his personal notes as private as possible, because he knew the more he talked, the easier it was to be tricked. For those not familiar with The Mothman Prophecies, the situation Keel eventually found himself in was startling to say the least. Essentially, Keel began to grow paranoid the world was ending. Upon many prophecies given to John Keel, one of the most alarming was that something horrible would happen in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, an area Keel was studying thoroughly as a microcosm of strange phenomena. Informants had described dreams of presents floating in a local river. Keel didn’t know what to make of all this. On November 3, 1967, Keel wrote to his friend, Mary Hyre and warned her of the impending danger, stating, “Mary, I have good reasons for suspecting that may soon be disaster in the Pt. Pleasant area which will not seem to be related to the UFO mystery. A plant along the river may either blow up or burn down. Possibly the Navy Installation in Pt. Pleasant will be the center of such a disaster. A lot of people may be hurt. If this should happen, notify me as soon as you can, and write the story normally. Don't even hint to anybody anything about this.”[8] Soon after this message was sent, on December 15, 1967, there was a major bridge collapse on Point Pleasant’s Silver Bridge crossing the Ohio river. Keel was very startled, and eventually was prepared to pack up to head for the hills! Among many prophecies, the ones that concerned Keel most appeared to be the major blackouts and a possible attempt at the Pope’s life, events said to be pivotal moments in Biblical ‘End Times’…The thing is, it obviously never happened. Keel got duped! And it took many correct and unbelievable predictions to build his level of trust that certain future events would occur, thus building Keel’s belief and fear.
The metallic voices from the excerpts above continued their mysterious trends. Electronics went crazy, poltergeists moved in, drawers opened, objects disappeared — all common associations of UFO encounters. Jane’s library message of autosuggestion was enough to make her physically ill. And with good reason. These types of events are enough to make an individual think they are a piece to some giant puzzle. Keel himself was put in a position where he didn’t know if he would sound crazy, set himself up to be badly hoaxed, or if the worst actually was yet to happen.
An extraordinarily fascinating man, Uri Geller (b. 1946), has been going around the world for years claiming to have psychic abilities. On his official website’s biography, it claims, “At the age of four he had a mysterious encounter with a sphere of light while in a garden near his house.”[9] After this encounter, the Israeli magician realized he had special abilities involving psychic powers. Uri went on to travel the world, performing tricks for audiences large and small, and became a household name. He eventually gained the attention of an American researcher, Dr. Andrija Puharich, an inventor and doctor who was interested in human psychic abilities. You may recognize Puharich for his research on Arigo, the Brazilian surgeon and spiritual healer who would care for his patients with a rusty knife. Or perhaps you recognize Puharich for one of his many inventions, such as a tooth implant that can put voices into someone’s head. From 1953 to 1955, Puharich served as a Captain in the Army Medical Corps. In Annie Jacobsen’s book, Phenomena, she explains that Puharich kickstarted hallucinogenic mushroom drug research for CIA in 1954, under MKULTRA Subproject 58. [10] If the reader knows anything about MKULTRA, I’m sure they know where this is headed. MKULTRA has been nicknamed the ‘Mind Control’ Program, and with good reason (Ted Kaczynski is among the most famous subjects of MKULTRA). In the MKULTRA tests, subjects were given drugs, put under extreme stress, or sometimes exposed to a brutal cocktail of other inhumane stimuli.
Arguably the strangest activity Puharich participated in was on June 27, 1953, when he gathered some of the most notable families in America to his farmhouse in Maine for a seance with a Hindu scholar named Dr. Vinod. There were members of the DuPont, Astor, and Forbes family present at this seance, among others, totaling nine people. Arthur Young, the inventor of the Bell Helicopter, was also one of the attendees. Essentially, Vinod began to channel some force and told the group that they had made contact with ‘The Nine’ (readers who want to learn more about this seance are advised to author Peter Levenda’s ‘Sinister Forces’ Trilogy). ‘The Nine’ claimed, through Vinod, that nine extraterrestrials — nine principals and forces — were now in contact with them (‘The Nine’ would eventually say they were extraterrestrial beings living on a large, invisible, spacecraft hovering over the planet). According to Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces Book One: The Nine, “Vinod went into trance promptly at 12:15 A.M., and then “R,” one of the extraterrestrial Nine, began speaking through him at 12:30 A.M. Threads appeared out of nowhere on the floor in front of Vinod, and he passed one to each of the human Nine, telling them, “Tonight we want to create Brahmins in this world,” and that the thread was a sign of their initiation.”[11] Puharich was very intrigued by this interaction and subsequently spent years trying to find mediums who could contact ’The Nine’. In the 1974 book, Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, Puharich catalogues meeting Geller in 1971 and being astounded by his abilities. According to the story, Geller was able to channel the entire “Nine” himself! As it was explained in the book Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, “The Nine” were not the only entities that were available for Uri to talk to. Puharich claims to have channeled different sources through Geller by hypnotizing him.
In a series of tests Puharich administered with Israeli doctor Itzhaak Bentov, a man known worldwide for his studies on consciousness, the two doctors found themselves wondering what forces were involved with Geller’s unique talents, and whether or not they were ‘good’. As Puharich describes, “Itzhaak felt very strongly that what was happening to Uri was very much in the Old Testament prophetic tradition, and we were catching him in an early stage of development. He was also fully convinced by now that there was an intelligent power behind Uri, although I was not fully convinced. I needed more evidence. But Itzhaak had gone one stage beyond me. He was worried about whether the power was “good” or “evil.”[12]”
“Uri returned to the apartment at 1 A.M. December 5, 1971, and agreed to the plan for hypnosis. At 1:30 A.M. the hypnotic induction was begun by me.
Uri said, “Somebody is talking through a big loudspeaker.”
Then the “voice” was heard. The tape recorder was disabled by some invisible power. We could not tell where the voice came from. It was not Uri’s voice.
Here I am. I am ready. Ask.
Itzhaak asked: “I would like to have your permission to tell my teacher, Maharishi, about you. May I do this?”
No. He has no interest. But you must await further information in the U.S. You shall receive instructions from us. You have to meditate by yourself on the fourteenth of December, 8 P.M., New York time. The day will be raining. That is your power, the rain. Do not repeat this to anyone.
Andrija, you shall take care of Uri. Take good care of him. He is in a very delicate situation. He is the only one for the next fifty years to come. We are going to be very, very far away. Spectra, Spectra, Spectra: That is our spacecraft.
Andrija: “How far away is it?”
It is fifty-three thousand sixty-nine light-ages away.
Andrija: “How far is a light-age?”
There are some books on your planet left by our people. Uri will find in the years to come. Your questions will be answered. Keep them, keep them, keep them. They will materialize themselves away after they have done their work. Do not ask any questions about the Israel situation. It will come out of him [Uri] alone. Do not worry. Do not worry. Do not worry. By the way, your little toy the pen part – is right by me; I will return it to you in time to come. I am sending Uri back to you now. Farewell!
Uri woke up with a headache and was very much dazed. I told him what had happened. He didn’t remember a word of it. I told him that the tape recorder had jammed and we could not record. He placed his hand over the tape recorder, and it immediately began to work perfectly. Since Uri was still dazed, I drove him home.”
“During these tests, which were minor telepathy and — moving a compass and bending a ring — very, very odd things happened. On a few occasions, we actually witnessed the tape recorder pressing itself down on its own accord — we saw the buttons push down — and when we ran back the tape, there was a kind of hollow, metallic voice telling us bizarre and strange things. Now, you could imagine that I thought it was a trick tape, and once I tore it up and took the batteries out to look for something hidden. But it wasn’t, it was really absolutely real.”
“The one thing that I can truly — I can hear it in my mind — is when the voice said that there will be a ‘Book of Knowledge’ that I will find, or I’ll find it with Andrija Puharich, and many many times throughout my life, I was wondering — when is that going to happen?” [13]
— URI GELLER, Dutch Documentary Staya Erusa
“Bentov said that he had given up studying UFOs and Uri Geller when he had understood how the whole phenomenon worked... “UFOnauts are low-level entities that play with their victims. They amuse themselves by possessing mediums like Geller." "Have you ever encountered them yourselves?" I asked. “Yes," he answered matter-of-factly, "but I chased them away through meditation.”” [14]
— FORBIDDEN SCIENCE 2, Jacques Vallee
Uri performed so well in laboratory tests that Puharich had his friend, Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, reach out to him to convince him to come to the US to have his psychic abilities studied. Geller eventually found himself at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in California performing laboratory tests for scientists Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ, among others. To this day, Geller brags about how successful these sessions were. According to Hal Puthoff, Geller was extraordinarily successful in the SRI sessions and other psychic research projects likely arose from this. [15]
Word of Geller’s successful psychic tests began to spread, and a few people became reasonably concerned. In Peter Levenda’s Sinister Forces Book Three: The Manson Secret, a story is included about the team of scientists at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories and their efforts to study Geller. The Livermore team was intrigued by the rumors of the successful SRI tests, and they were prepared to put Geller through their own set of more stringent tests. They wanted to be absolutely positive that Geller was not tricking them. After all, Geller is considered a trained showman and magician. But if there was even a slight possibility a person could use psychic abilities and disturb our sensitive technologies, such as atomic weapons, the team at Livermore was determined to find out. During these tests, the scientists observed (with their infrared cameras) radiation beaming in through concentrated parts of the room. As strange as that was, after they observed Geller, the scientists also reported all sorts of strange occurrences in their everyday lives. The scientists observed a small ‘UFO’ zip around the laboratory on multiple occasions. Another scientist reported seeing absurdly large black birds in their yard and standing over them in bed. But one of the most bizarre events was discovered when technicians were analyzing the audio tapes from the Geller PK sessions. What was so strange about those calls? You guessed it — another metallic voice! The voice was using what sounded like obscure code words none of the Livermore scientists recognized. They eventually called in an expert to decipher the voices and codewords. Soon after, one scientist received a phone call from the metallic voice telling him to stop the tests, so the team obliged and the strangeness stopped.
“As the personnel began to break down and exhibit signs of intense mental distress, the security officer in charge of the group broke down and contacted “Richard Kennett” of the CIA. As Kennett not only had security clearances but was also aware of the psychic research programs and had a doctorate in neurophysiology, he was the logical choice.
Kennett listened to the men—some of whom broke down and wept in his presence—describe their symptoms. He was not convinced that this was simply a textbook case of hysteria. These men were scientists with no occult leanings; furthermore, they had all been psychologically vetted, as they were involved with classified government and military projects. It didn’t make sense.
And then he listened to the audiotapes, and heard the secret codewords mentioned that none of the Lawrence Livermore staff could have known.
This was not the end of the story, however. One of the scientists received a phone call and heard the “metallic voice” that so often pursues researchers in this field, man and boy, and this time the voice told him to drop the Geller experimentation completely. The team was only too happy to do so, and the “hauntings” gradually stopped.” [16]
*Author’s note: ’Richard Kennett’ is a pseudonym science author Jim Schnabel used in his book, Remote Viewers: The Secret History of America’s Psychic Spies for an officer in the CIA’s ‘Technical Services’ division. ‘Kennett’ is described as someone with high security clearances, an awareness of psychic research programs, and a doctorate in Neuropsychology. Many internet users have speculated this individual is Christopher “Kit” Green but this has not been confirmed.
The metallic voices and strange phone calls people receive get stranger and stranger the further one digs. A common trend in many of these stories is the insistence from the metallic voices that a large task is to be accomplished, or that the individual being contacted is playing a key part of some grand event. As we’ve read, hypnosis sessions revealed Geller was apparently a channel for the extraterrestrial supercomputer, ‘SPECTRA’. Geller was convinced he and Puharich would change the world, or at the very least the duo would impact the world in a large way. At one point, Geller was confident that he and Puharich were going to discover a ‘Book of Knowledge’, but the book never came to fruition.
One individual that must be mentioned is a man named Jack Sarfatti (b. 1939). In this author’s opinion, Jack Sarfatti is too brilliant for his own good. He is not intimidated intellectually whatsoever by names like Hawking or Einstein. For those unfamiliar, Sarfatti is an outspoken theoretical physicist who has quite the story. According to Sarfatti, at age 13 he received mysterious phone calls from a metallic voice claiming to be a supercomputer from the future. The voice told Sarfatti that he was a gifted child and that he was chosen to be a part of a special program. At one point, the voice told Sarfatti to gather his friends and wait at his fire escape for a UFO to arrive. As you could probably guess, the UFO never came. Sarfatti did receive a full scholarship to study at Cornell, and eventually earned a PhD in Physics from University of California — San Diego. Sarfatti explains in the book The Destiny Matrix that, at a young age, he became a member of an after-school program for gifted children that was an overseen by Walter Breen (1928-1993)[17]. Breen has his own history that is unsettling. According to Jack Sarfatti, the metallic voice told him that in 20 years (Sarfatti received the calls in 1953) he would meet similarly gifted people, and strangely enough, in 1973 (20 years later) Sarfatti found himself at Stanford Research Institute with the likes of Harold ‘Hal’ Puthoff and Russell Targ. The conversation between these men was recorded and can be found on Sarfatti’s Soundcloud channel. [18]
Apparently other children were receiving the same types of phone calls at the same time as Sarfatti. In an April 2023 ‘’ article, a man named Scott Andrews claims he participated in a mysterious special program as a child. Andrews served 36 years in the US military and according to the article, “The records also contained a shocker, that he received an honorable discharge from the U.S Air Force and worked in space intelligence communications as a minor. Andrews maintains he has no memory of having served in the U.S Air Force.” [19] This is not unprecedented. The previously mentioned Dr. Andrija Puharich was no stranger to these types of strange programs, and Puharich actually had his own group of children he studied! According to a 2023 Uri Geller tweet, Netflix’s STRANGER THINGS character ‘Papa’, is based on Puharich [20]. In the mid-70s Puharich ran a complex in Ossining, New York called the ‘Turkey Farm’. In the summer of 1975, Puharich assembled around twenty children from the ages of nine to late teens, called "Gellerlings", or "Space Kids". Puharich trained their psychic abilities, and claimed that they received messages from aliens. One teen claimed that they practiced remote viewing, and some of their assignments included political targets like the Kremlin and the White House. [21] Puharich has claimed that the Space Kids are able to materialize objects like trees, and that six of them arrived at his ranch via teleportation. [22]
The unexplainable metallic voices encountered through occult, metaphysical, technological, or psychological means have provided us with a fascinating yet perplexing topic to explore. As we delved into the evidence, involvement of individuals like Andrija Puharich displayed that the military industrial complex may be intricately involved, potentially playing a deceptive role in these phenomena. These stories of metallic voices are confusing and complicated, and a single explanation is probably unlikely. The implications of this revelation are deeply unsettling, highlighting the need for vigilance in our pursuit of truth. We must remain cautious, questioning the narratives presented to us and refusing to be swayed by trickery. By staying vigilant, we can continue to unravel the mysteries surrounding these metallic voices and uncover the truth that lies beneath their enigmatic facade. By staying curious, we can continue to understand the complexities of consciousness and what it means to be human.
“Presently they heard a Voice, seeming to come from somewhere near the top of the great dome, and it said, solemnly.
"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible. Why do you seek me?" They looked again in every part of the room, and then, seeing no one, Dorothy asked, "Where are you?"
"I am everywhere," answered the Voice, "but to the eyes of common mortals I am invisible. I will now seat myself upon my throne, that you may converse with me." Indeed, the Voice seemed just then to come straight from the throne itself; so they walked toward it and stood in a row…
The Lion thought it might be as well to frighten the Wizard, so he gave a large, loud roar, which was so fierce and dreadful that Toto jumped away from him in alarm and tipped over the screen that stood in a corner. As it fell with a crash they looked that way, and the next moment all of them were filled with wonder. For they saw, standing in just the spot the screen had hidden, a little old man, with a bald head and a wrinkled face, who seemed to be as much surprised as they were. The Tin Woodman, raising his axe, rushed toward the little man and cried out, "Who are you?"
"I am Oz, the Great and Terrible," said the little man, in a trembling voice. "But don't strike me please don't and I'll do anything you want me to."
Our friends looked at him in surprise and dismay.
"I thought Oz was a great Head," said Dorothy.
"And I thought Oz was a lovely Lady," said the Scarecrow.
"And I thought Oz was a terrible Beast," said the Tin Woodman.
"And I thought Oz was a Ball of Fire," exclaimed the Lion.
"No, you are all wrong," said the little man meekly. "I have been making believe."
“I'm supposed to be a Great Wizard."
"And aren't you?" she asked.
"Not a bit of it, my dear; I'm just a common man.”” [23]
“Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?” [24]
[01] The Book of Babalon, JACK PARSONS
[02] The Dark Lord, PETER LEVENDA
[03] Our Haunted Planet, JOHN KEEL
[04] The Occult Roots of Scientology, HUGH URBAN —
*Note: Amended “goats” to “louts”
[05] Operation Trojan Horse, JOHN KEEL
[06] Messengers of Deception, JACQUES VALLEE
[07] The Mothman Prophecies, JOHN KEEL
[08] John Keel letter to Mary Hyre —
[09] Uri Geller Website Biography —
[10] Phenomena, ANNIE JACOBSEN
[11] Sinister Forces Book One: The Nine, PETER LEVENDA
[12] Uri: A Journal of the Mystery of Uri Geller, ANDRIJA PUHARICH
[13] Staya Erusa, Dutch Documentary, YouTube —
[14] Forbidden Science 2, JACQUES VALLEE
[15] Hal Puthoff Responds to James Randi —
[16] Sinister Forces Book Three: The Manson Secret, PETER LEVENDA
[17] The Destiny Matrix, JACK SARFATTI
[18] Sarfatti Soundcloud —
[21] The Unicorn’s Secret, STEVEN LEVY
[22] Science: Good, Bad, and Bogus, MARTIN GARDNER
[23] The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L FRANK BAUM
[24] Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, JK ROWLING
This is fascinating Garrett! Thanks for writing, and thanks for the podcast. Hope you had a good week 😊
This was fascinating. I'm sure there was a metallic voice component in the Scole experiment. I'll get back to you on that!